Washing and cleaning for technical cleanliness
If residues remain on workpiece surfaces, they can have a strong influence on the result of a heat treatment and even affect the function of the heat treatment system. By washing and cleaning the parts in our modern hydrocarbon plants before the heat treatment, we avoid these possible negative effects. On the heat treatment systems, the washing process is carried out in aqueous cleaning baths with one- or multi-stage immersion cleaning with steam degreasing and hot air drying.
With final cleaning on CW systems with ultrasounic and vacuum drying, a regreasing (corrosion protection) can also be applied. During final cleaning with subsequent packaging in our clean room, we also achieve technical cleanliness to DIN 19 Level 1.
Hydrocarbon wash-unit
Batch dimensions:
Length: 600 mm
Depth: 420 mm
Height: 380 mm
Washing / degreasing of metals
Corrosion protection with two different media
Vacuum drying
Technical cleanliness
Technical equipment:
Medium – hydrocarbon
Closed circuit
Vacuum distillation
To confirm the technical cleanliness, residual dirt analyses are carried out according to VDA19.1 / ISO 16232: 2018.